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Variety Show

Izložba prikazuje niz skulptura napravljenih tokom perioda od dva meseca. Ove skulpture poznatih predmeta prikazuju se u nepotrebnim pozicijama, kako rade nešto drugačije i kako govore jedne drugima, čini se, bez ikakvog razloga.

Ovaj „varajeti šou“ stvari poziva posmatrača da poštuje i divi se predmetima po sebi, izvan onoga kako funkcionišu za nas. Sve skulpture pravljene su bez krajnjeg proizvoda ili slike na umu, time bivajući oslobođene reprezentacije, društvenih problema ili tema. Mnogo je ponosa u skromnim materijalima upotrebljenim za ove skulpture, npr: selotejp, voda, papir. Nijedan materijal ne manjka poštovanja. Stojim iza svega.

Variety Show
This exhibition shows a series of sculptures made over a period of two months. These sculptures of familiar objects portray themselves in unnecessary positions, doing something different and speaking to one another for seemingly no reason at all.

This variety show of things invites the viewer to respect and admire the objects in their own right, outside of how they function for us. All sculptures were made without a final product or
image in mind, freeing them of representation, social issue or theme. Great pride has been taken in modest materials for these pieces, eg; sellotape, water, paper. No material is too irreverent. I stand by everything.

Autorka izložbe je Alison Farrelly.

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