Zones of (dis)comfort: Spatial Hypersensitivities
27.6.2019. @ 10:30 - 2.7.2019. @ 16:00
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Šta: radionica, otvorena praksa/performans (long duration)
Kada: 27. jun – 2. Jul, od 10:30 – 16h
Gde: Kulturni centar Magacin
Učesnici/ce: profesionalci/ke i izvođači/ce iz polja savremenog plesa i izvedbenih umetnosti
Broj učesnika/ca: 5-7
Prijavite se slanjem kratkog video zapisa vašeg rada/performansa ili prakse na do ponedeljka, 24. juna u ponoć.
Poziv za učešće
Zones of (dis)comfort: Spatial Hypersensitivities zamišljena je kao proces otvorenog istraživanja/prakse. Nastavak je dvogdišnjeg istraživanja tokom master studija scenografa Nemanja Čađe. U širem smislu, jedna od osovina ove studije jeste odnos tela i prostora kroz zonu udobnosti kao prostornu strategiju.
Ovaj pojam se koristi kao model za suočavanje sa ličnim sećanjima, iskustvima ili osećanjima u kontekstu određenog prostora, tj. kako licne i intimne posledicnosti mogu reartikulisati ili na drugačiji način uokviriti predmetni prostor. Preciznije, ovaj istraživački kurs kao otvorena praksa će se razvijati propitivanjem ne samo zone udobnosti već ulaženjem i u prostore ne/udobnosti. Fokus će biti na situiranju/pozicioniranju ličnih iskustava i osećanja ne/udobnosti u određenom prostoru sa ciljem da se postigne dijalog između različitih autonomija kao što su prostorne ili telesne posledičnosti.
Arhitektica i istraživačica Danica Selem pridružiće se Nemanji u beogradskom izdanju radionice koja će biti održana u Kulturnom centru Magacin. Danica kroz svoju praksu razmatra načine na koje prostor oblikuje naše fizičko, socijalno i emotivno telo i svakodnevno ponašanje kroz koncept „prostorne žrtve“. Ovaj koncept razvila je kroz svoje istraživanje i performans sa grupom “Bodies Intersect Buildings”.
Nemanja je radionice o pojmu zone udobnosti realizvao sa studentima i profesionalcima na različitim mestima: Banja Luka (Bosna i Hercegovina), Zagreb (Hrvatska), Fredrikstad (Norveška), Oslo (Norveška). Danica je vodila radionice i otvorene prakse velikih razmera na IPADÉ – A Prelude to the Shed (Nju Jork), Pioneer Works Gallery (Nju Jork) i Cornell University (Itaka, Nju Jork) između ostalih.
Rezultati radionice biće predstavljeni na izložbi “Tišina je ovde gluvoća” u galeriji Podroom u Kulturnom centru Beograda.
Više informacija na
What: workshop, open practice/long duration performance
When: 27.june – 2. July, from 10:30 – 16h
Where: Cultural centre Magacin
Participants: professionals/practitioners within the fields of performing arts and contemporary dance
Number of participants: 5-7
Apply by sending a video sample of your body work/practice to by Monday 24th of June at midnight.
Invitation to participate
Zones of (dis)comfort: Spatial Hypersensitivities is imagined as an open research process/practice. It is an extension of a two year long exploration during master studies of scenographer Nemanja Čađo. One of the cores of this study, in its wider sense, is a relationship between body and space through spatial strategy of comfort zone.
This notion is used as a model for dealing with personal memories, experiences of feelings in terms of specific space, ei how those individual and intimate repercussions can rearticulate or reframe subject place. More specific, this research course as open practice will move forward with questioning not only the zone of comfort but entering into areas of discomfort. Focus will be on situatedness of personal experiences and feelings of (dis)comfort in certain space with the aim towards zone of negotiation between different autonomies such as spatial or body “consequentialities”.
Architect and researcher Danica Selem will join Nemanja in the Belgrade edition of the workshop that will be held in Cultural center Magacin. Danica’s practice considers ways in which space shapes our physical, social and emotional bodies and behaviors in everyday life through the concept of spatial victim. The concept was developed with her research and performance group Bodies Intersect Buildings.
Nemanja made workshops on the notion of comfort zone with students and professionals in different places: Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Zagreb (Croatia), Fredrikstad (Norway), Oslo (Norway). Danica hosted workshops and large scale open practices at IPADÉ – A Prelude to the Shed (NYC), Pioneer Works Gallery (NYC) and Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) among others.
The results will be presented at the exhibition “Silence is deafness here” in Podroom Gallery (Cultural Centre of Belgrade).
More info at