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Reflection(s), izložba Doris Araujo
23.7.2021. @ 19:00 - 25.7.2021. @ 19:00
U petak, 23. jula, u 19č. u Centralnom prostoru očekuje nas otvaranje izložbe Reflection(s) Doris Araujo.
The continuous body work is about exploring life through a personal perspective. Each project is a
depiction of a lived event, a thought that has lingered, or an experience that needed to heal.
The multiplicity of the panels voices the concept of each project further, screaming louder! The colors
visually vibrate, and the words reach with a direct message.
depiction of a lived event, a thought that has lingered, or an experience that needed to heal.
The multiplicity of the panels voices the concept of each project further, screaming louder! The colors
visually vibrate, and the words reach with a direct message.
Doris Araújo is an active artist, professor, and studio resident in the United States.
Nakon večeri otvaranja, izložba je za posetioce otvorena u subotu, 24. jula, i u nedelju, 25. jula, od 14 do 19č.