Izložba „Shades of White“ umetnika Gabrijela Ljinasa
21.11.2020. @ 16:00 - 26.11.2020. @ 21:00
Počev od nedelje, 21. novembra, u Centralnom prostoru traje izložba “Shades of White” umetnika Gabrijela Ljinasa (Gabriel Llinàs). Izložba traje zaključno sa 26. novembrom. Biće predstavljeni rezulati umetničke rezidencije u sklopu programa “Exchange Homesession” a u organizaciji “Belgrade Air”-a. U toku rezidencije, umetnik je pristupio razumevanju grada kroz bavljenje arhitektonskim nasleđem Beograda. Izložba će uključiti slike, fotografije i pronađene materijale koje je umetnik “kartografski” organizovao u prikaz savremenog Beograda. Izložba će biti otvorena za posetioce svakog dana od 16č do 21č.
Autor, o izložbi (eng):
Shades of White – Biel Llinàs.
Shades of white presents an artistic research on the multilayered historical evolution of Belgrade, focusing on its architectural heritage. The timeline of the research goes from the Roman occupation of Singidunum to nowadays, paying attention to crutial episodes underlying one of the most conflictive cities in Europe. To deepen into this background, the project departs from an speculative exploration of the Slavic toponym Beograd (The White City), which dates back to the IX century, in spite that no clear evidence of its origin has been found.
The uncertain reason of the name provides an opportunity to rethink its identity in a wider sense, from the dialectic between white, conceived as a peaceful and stable colour, and the city’s endless history of conflicts and tensions.
Project awarded with the Exchange / Belgrade Grant by Homesession (Barcelona) and BAIR (Belgrade). Supported by Institut Ramon Llull (IRLL) and Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics (IEB).